The Virtues Of Charity

The Virtues Of Charity

Imagine Puget Sound in winter. Dark in the morning. Dark in the afternoon. And it's mostly dreary in between. As a saving grace, our relatively moderate winter temperatures offer a hospitable climate for a dazzling array of winter-blooming shrubs. And there is no better winter-blooming shrub for greater Pugetopolis than Mahonia x media 'Charity'. 

Caring For Your Poinsettia

Caring For Your Poinsettia

Few plants signal that the holidays are here quite like the poinsettia. These colorful plants have a lot going for them with lush foliage that offers instant festive holiday ambiance. Whether you opt for a traditional style or take home a new variety that boasts dramatic colors and patterns, each plant has its own cheerful flair. Keep reading to learn more about why our poinsettias are top-quality, and how you can keep them looking healthy and beautiful at home.