The Wabi-Sabi Garden

The Wabi-Sabi Garden

In the coastal Northwest, our climate and position on the Pacific Rim give us a natural affinity with Asian design philosophy and lifestyles, which can also apply to our gardens. Japanese culture, in particular, has lent us its mastery of garden design and practices. If we delve deep enough, we will meet the concept of wabi-sabi.

Erythronium: The Magical Woodland Fawn Lily

Erythronium: The Magical Woodland Fawn Lily

Erythronium species (also called Fawn Lily, Trout Lily or Dogtoothed Violet) epitomize the hidden wonders of the woodland garden. These spring-blooming perennials can spread to form low-growing colonies of delicate flowers that look beautiful from afar but really demand to be studied up close so as to admire their mottled leaves and intricate floral details. They really are magical!

Bees in Your Backyard: Spring Pollination with Gentle Orchard Mason Bees

Bees in Your Backyard: Spring Pollination with Gentle Orchard Mason Bees

Kids well know the glowing excitement of watching a bee go about its business flower to flower in the sunshine. And hopefully, most adults out there haven’t forgotten the feeling, either. Being a steward of mason bees is a special opportunity to watch these busy creatures transform your yard-scape into one of balance and bounty.

The Basics of Backyard Bird Feeding

The Basics of Backyard Bird Feeding

Here at Swansons, we love our feathered friends and would like to share a few tips to help you be successful with your bird feeding adventure throughout the year. We will talk about some bird feeder styles, where to place your feeder, the importance of cleaning, types of birdseed, and access to water. We will also offer some great resources for further reading.