Just Hatched 2015: On To Greener Pastures

This blog was brought to you by the egg. Or was it the other way around???

Anyway, the time's they are a-changin' for our not-so-little flock. The old adage that time waits for no chicken certainly holds true for the ladies as they are getting bigger all the time. You can almost see them growing!

It's proof positive that it pays to eat your veggies (along with a little scratch and some crushed granite)! At 8 weeks, they've already outgrown their surroundings. Because of this, it's time to say goodbye to Caramel Fluff, Georgia, Lulu Jr., and Guido.

It seems like just yesterday we were picking them out at and buying supplies at Portage Bay Grange...

Don't worry, they will all be staying together at their new home as part of a local laying flock. A bright future of laying eggs and taking dirt baths - who could cluck for anything more?!

Hopefully, we will be able to bring you updates and photos of their new digs. Until then, see you in the woodchips and happy brooding!
