Hello and thanks for visiting our lovely chicks here at Swansons! My name is Aaron Vander Linden and I have been taking care of our girls most of each week this season, though I’ve had the pleasure of helping care for the chicks for the past two years as well.
Wow! It has already been over a month since the ladies arrived and they are really growing! Ironically, our last arrival, Clementine (Sagitta breed) is already establishing herself as the top of the pecking order. Pepita (Delaware breed) and Bernadette (White Plymouth Rock breed) are the first to greet me each morning.
Chick Pea (Gold Sex Link breed), seems to enjoy being held the most. Willow (Australorp breed) and Starflight (Silver-Laced Wyandotte breed) are quickly becoming vigorous foragers. It’s so much fun to see them growing up, getting larger, and more independent.
Since hatching, the girls have seen many new things. Last week, I opened up the lower space in our coop and they immediately started running and flapping their wings. They also have their future homes established as they will be joining two Swansons’ employees’ families.
Last week we selected names for them from our contest. Great names all you winners!
Thanks to all for visiting us, helping us name them, and for all the interest in our wonderful ladies! Stay tuned for an update on my family’s chickens, the Swansons’ 2016 flock!
Aaron Vander Linden
Scroll through the images below to see the chicks when they were just a couple days old.