5 Easy Houseplants

Whether you're a novice gardener or a veritable houseplant expert, these 5 plants make it easy to succeed.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera

Aloe Vera: easy-going and a burn's best friend. Did you know aloe is commonly used to soothe mild burns and sunburns by applying the gel from a cut stalk to the skin? Note: always check with a medical professional before using home remedies such as aloe.

Care: Aloe is a succulent that likes bright light and dry conditions. Plant in a cactus & succulent potting mix in a pot with good drainage. Allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings. 

Spider Plant

Spider Plant

The spider plant is a grand old classic that is incredibly adaptable and easy to grow. Bonus: baby plants grow abundantly from the mother!

Care: Bright, indirect light is best, but also will grow in shade. Water thoroughly and let dry slightly between waterings. Tolerates hot or cool rooms and even dry air. 

ZZ Plant

ZZ Plant

The ZZ plant is a wonderful plant that doesn't require a lot of attention or watering to thrive!

Care: Bright, indirect light preferred, but tolerates very low light. Grows slowly to 3-4ft. tall and wide. Water deeply when the top inch of soil is dry (when in doubt, underwater). 

Jade Plant

Jade Plant

Jade plants are simple to grow, long-lived, and even considered to be symbols of good luck!

Care: Jade is a succulent that thrives in bright light. Plant in a cactus & succulent potting mix. Water well and then let dry between waterings. 

Snake Plant

Snake Plant

Snake Plant, also called Mother-in-Law's Tongue (how flattering!), is a popular houseplant for its dramatic foliage and indestructible nature. Withstands drafts, dry air, and all light conditions.

Care: Will grow in direct sunshine, bright to medium light, and shade. Water moderately from spring through fall (let dry out between waterings) and very sparingly (once every 1-2 months!) in winter.


Try any of these easy-care plants to encourage a budding green thumb and you may just discover a new passion for houseplants! Need help or troubleshooting? Just ask us in person or by email!