9 Houseplants To Beautify Your Home Office

Searching for the perfect houseplants to add some greenery to your home office? With many of us working remotely, this space is a private sanctuary to focus on the projects at hand. It can be transformed from a functional room into a tropical or desert oasis (with houseplants)! They can help our focus, clean the air, and beautify any space they adorn. It’s okay if you’re new to indoor gardening, as there are many plants that are easy to grow and care for. Whether your home office encompasses an entire room or a small desk, we have the perfect plants for you! Here are a few of our favorites:


Raindrop Peperomia (Peperomia polybotrya)

Raindrop Peperomia is a trendy houseplant and what’s not to like! The striking heart-shaped foliage adds an instant splash of greenery to any shelf or desk. This beautiful Peperomia is great for rooms with medium to bright indirect light and its compact habit is ideal for small spaces.


Staghorn Fern (Platycerium spp.)

Staghorn Ferns are stunning houseplants and while they may seem intimidating, they are easy to care for and will reward you with spectacular fronds. Since Platycerium species are native to the tropics, they appreciate a room with bright indirect light and misting 1-2 times a week to increase humidity.


Money Tree (Pachira aquatica)

Money Trees are beautiful and unique houseplants that are perfect for creating a tropical oasis within your space. Did you know they are considered symbols of luck and prosperity? The best way to keep a Money Tree happy is with bright indirect light and after thoroughly watering, allowing the soil to dry out in between. Money Trees are pretty adaptable, and will appreciate extra humidity from misting or a pebble tray.


Ruby Glow Peperomia (Peperomia graveolens ‘Ruby Glow’ )

With an easygoing nature, Ruby Glow Peperomia is a great office companion. The unique red wine and dark green leaves creates a striking display when paired with jungle-theme cache pots. This Peperomia grows smaller in size and is perfect for sitting on desktops and shelves.


Split Leaf Philodendron (Monstera deliciosa)

Split Leaf Philodendrons are very popular houseplants with dramatic and bold tropical split leaves. Monstera would be a great vertical accent when grown upon a moss pole or can be pruned to resemble a small shrub. In their native habitat, the splits allow the leaves to withstand strong winds. This tropical Philodendron thrives in medium to bright indirect light and can grow quickly, which is great for filling larger spaces.


Ocean Star Snake Plant (Sansevieria ‘Ocean Star’)

This tough houseplant is also known as Mother-in-Law’s Tongue and has a reputation of near indestructibility. It will grow well in a range of light conditions from low light corners to brightly light windowsills, withstands dry air, and prefers long periods without water. The bold color of Ocean Star provides an excellent complement for plants with lacy foliage or small flowers. This is a favorite houseplant for beginner gardeners, and is also valued by seasoned houseplant growers who love Snakeplants for their personality and dramatic foliage.


Haworthia (Haworthia aristata)

With so many different species and looks of Haworthia, it’s no surprise these plants are sought after by plant lovers who delight in small succulents. While the Haworthia genus encompasses more than 80 species, we want to feature Haworthia arispecies zebra-like white markings on the dark green leaves. The best practices to grow happy Haworthia include bright indirect light and occasional watering.


Crispy Wave Bird’s Nest Fern (Asplenium spp.)

While some ferns may be thought of as finicky houseplants, a Birds Nest Fern’s easy-going personality is great for both beginner and seasoned plant parents. The broad, apple green fronds of this fern create a bold, upright vase-like shape and add a tropical feeling to any home office. The name, Bird’s Nest Fern, comes from the hairy center of the plant, which resembles a bird’s nest. Grows well in medium to bright indirect light.


Golden Pothos (Scindapsus aureum)

The Golden Pothos is a lovely houseplant with a reputation for one of the easiest plants to grow. The long vining stems that trail over the sides of the container add texture to the tops of shelves and bookcases. New glossy-heart shaped leaves unfurl with lovely green and golden variegation. Golden Pothos can grow in a wide range of light, from dark corners to brightly lit rooms. Pothos are often forgiving of being under-watered and droop visibly to remind you it’s time to water.


Ready to bring some new houseplants home? Shop a curated selection of houseplants in our Online Store or come in and see our full selection!

We would love to see your favorite houseplants from your home office! Post your photos on social media with #heyswansons. Happy gardening!