Just Hatched 2019: A Swansons Chick Update

Wow, it feels like yesterday our chicks arrived, small bundles of fluff huddled quietly around the heat lamp. These girls have grown so fast and will soon move to their new homes as laying hens.  

When the chicks had first arrived, we launched a “Name the Chicks” contest and, out of the hundreds of entries we received, we drew six winning names:



Our Ameraucana chicken is named Tsuki, which means “Moon” in Japanese. It’s the perfect name for this girl whose feathers are beginning to become speckled like the moon.  She is very friendly and one of the few breeds to lay blue eggs!


Gregory Peck

Our Barred Rock chicken has a friendly and curious personality. He enjoys showing off his sprinting skills by running up and down a ramp in the coop.  


Lemon Lucy

The Buff Cochin chicken is so soft and fluffy with feathers even on her feet! She enjoys sunning herself in the warm sunshine.

Rainbow Sparkle_CreamLegbar.jpg

Rainbow Sparkle

Rainbow Sparkle is our Cream Legbar chicken. She’s a bit shy right now, but will soon develop her speckled feathers and lay sky blue eggs.


Amelia Egghart

Our Rhode Island Red chicken is certainly living up to her namesake, as she is ever so curious about the world beyond the coop.



Named after one of the Golden Girls, the Salmon Faverolle is a fluffy white chick who will become a beautiful cream-colored hen with cute feathered feet!


Thank you for all the great submissions and congratulations to the drawing winners! We love watching these girls grow up. Blanche and Tsuki have enjoyed their time here and will leave for their new home with a Swansons employee this weekend. The rest of the chicks will stick around for a few more weeks, so come visit them soon! Then they will move to their forever home with another of our employees and his family. We’ll keep you updated on their progress and hopefully we’ll get to sample some of their delicious eggs one day!