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gardening 101

Creative Screening For Privacy

Creative Screening For Privacy

Everyone likes a little privacy. We want to feel like at least some part of our garden is a private oasis, a place where we can go to relax and leave the cares of the world behind. That doesn't necessarily mean building a fortress of walls around your yard. In fact, there are many creative options for privacy screening.

Best Watering Practices for Your Northwest Garden

Best Watering Practices for Your Northwest Garden

Do you know what the No. 1 cause of poor health or death of plants (especially new plantings) is? It's not disease. Not unexpected freezes. Not mistakes made during planting. Watering, you say??? Aww, you looked at the title of the post — yes, it's insufficient or incorrect watering. These living organisms you've just planted can be delicate and demanding, and neglecting their water needs, even briefly, can undo all your hard work getting them planted.

Quick-Start Lists for Garden Projects

Quick-Start Lists for Garden Projects

We want to help all our fellow gardeners get going as soon as possible to get the most out of this gardening season. Despite the cold and wet weather, now is a great time to plant! Keep reading to make sure you’re prepared to start your garden project.