roses — PNW Gardening Blog — Seattle's Favorite Garden Store Since 1924 - Swansons Nursery

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How to Prune Roses

How to Prune Roses

The world’s favorite flower just might be the rose, inspiring epic romantic poetry, sonnets, even wars, for thousands of years. And, in addition to bestowing elegance and altering the course of history, roses offer us an astonishing variety of flower types, fragrances, and colors! So we want to keep them looking their best, and proper pruning can significantly improve most roses’ blooming performance and overall health.

How to Grow Roses in the Pacific Northwest

How to Grow Roses in the Pacific Northwest

You and your rose soul-mates have found each other. Now what? How do you keep them happy and thriving in our maritime Pacific Northwest climate? Roses are not completely carefree, but with a few basic care guidelines, you can grow them successfully and enjoy their beauty for years to come.

Our Favorite Flowers For May

Our Favorite Flowers For May

Is there anything more beautiful than a PNW garden in May? Although every month has its special beauty, the May garden is bursting with new foliage and blooms, filled with abundance and freshness, and with the promise of summer to come. Here are a few of our favorite garden plants for the month of May.

Shrubs with Beautiful Summer Flowers and Foliage

Shrubs with Beautiful Summer Flowers and Foliage

Many shrubs bloom in spring and there are lots of choices for gorgeous fall foliage but it can be harder to find the right stand-out shrub to highlight your garden in the summer months, especially if you are trying to complement colorful summer perennial or annual flowers. Here are a few of our favorites for summer flowers or interesting summer and fall foliage.