How to Grow Garlic

How to Grow Garlic

Sure, you can buy garlic, but for the best flavor - and an incredible sense of satisfaction - nothing beats growing it yourself. Unlike most vegetables, garlic is planted in the fall but not harvested until the following summer, making it a very long-season crop that’s worth the wait. In fact, it can be very encouraging to plant something new in late fall when all around you, most plants are fading in anticipation of winter.

The Gooder Gardener: A New Video Series by Swansons Nursery

The Gooder Gardener: A New Video Series by Swansons Nursery

Swansons Nursery is such a unique place that it can be difficult to capture the nature of what has kept us in business for nearly 100 years. It comes down to the funny, hardworking, and brilliant people that work at Swansons. We work hard to make our customers successful and try not to take ourselves too seriously in the process. We found a way to bring Swansons’ personality to life: a new video series called The Gooder Gardener.