This is our third “behind-the-scenes” blog post, where we share what it was like to bring each episode of our new Gooder Gardener video series to life. We’ll give you a glimpse of our experiences, inspirations, favorite moments, featured plants, and more.
Fall Dahlia Care
Dahlias die back each year as autumn advances, but, with the proper care, the tuberous root system can live on to produce a stunning display year after year. The advice in this post is based on many years of growing dahlias in a low-lying area of Seattle with relatively moderate winter temperatures and excellent drainage.
DIY Moss Pole for Indoor Plants in 4 Easy Steps
There’s a new trend in the world of houseplants: moss poles! While making your own moss pole may seem to be an intimidating project, it’s easy, and fun! We’lll show you the 4 steps to creating moss poles for a few different houseplants. Follow along to make your own and soon you’ll have a shelf filled with climbing plants.
The Top 5 Houseplant Myths Revealed
Houseplant parenting can be a struggle. There’s so much information out there - how do you know what to believe? Through our daily interactions with plant parents, we’ve seen a few myths resurface again and again, so we decided to set the record straight and make sure you have the information you need to keep your plants healthy and happy.