All About Carnivorous Plants

All About Carnivorous Plants

No plant captures the imagination quite like a carnivorous one. With oddly shaped leaves that are designed to capture and digest insect prey, carnivorous plants are equal parts unique and sinister. Given the right conditions, sundews, pitcher plants, and flytraps make excellent houseplants. Interested? Learn more about these plants and how to care for them at home.

How to Plant a Tomato

How to Plant a Tomato

Tomato season is upon us and, after deciding which tomatoes you’d like to grow, they need to be planted! For this project, we chose a Brandywine heirloom tomato to plant into a container, but the same steps work for planting tomatoes in the ground in a garden bed.

How to Protect Your Tomatoes (and Other Warm-Season Veggies)

How to Protect Your Tomatoes (and Other Warm-Season Veggies)

It’s April and tomatoes are here! We know you’re ready to get them planted since it’s sunny (wait… now it’s cold and raining…. wait! It’s sunny again! Wait…) ;) but your tomato plants won’t grow into incredibly prolific tomato producers if you don’t protect them until the night temperatures remain consistently above 50 degrees. Most of us at Swansons swear by protection tools so we can plant our warm-season vegetables earlier and encourage larger, stronger plants and better harvests. Here’s what we use and how to use them.

The Top 7 Health Benefits Of Houseplants

The Top 7 Health Benefits Of Houseplants

Nothing adds more beauty and comfort to our homes and offices than the lush flowers and foliage of indoor plants. Bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchens, cubicles... There really isn't a space a houseplant can't enliven. Just add light and water, and you've got a growing indoor oasis. Bringing plants into your home is aesthetically pleasing and - amazingly - plants can offer strong health benefits as well!