It's time to tackle those tenacious weeds and if you follow my three tips for dandelion pulling. Not only is it a satisfying activity, but you’ll also be pleased to see quite a few fewer golden orbs in your lawn and garden.
We’re a few weeks into 2025 and catching our breath from a wonderful, busy 100th anniversary year! We’re excited to dive into year 101, but we also want to take a moment to remember everything that made last year so special and to reflect on how grateful we are to be a part of this amazing community. We hope you enjoy these highlights of our 100th year as much as we do!
Early-blooming plants help brighten the gray, rainy days and remind us that warmer days are on the way. Here are a few of our favorites for the period we call “early spring” (February-late March). Some even bloom earlier in winter and well into April!
Starting seeds indoors gives your vegetables, herbs, and flowers a head start so they can grow larger and have better (and longer) harvests or flowering periods. With a few basic supplies and a little patience, it’s easy and fun to start seeds indoors. As everyone knows, a little tending is good for the soul!
There’s something miraculous about a seedling as it starts to grow. Anyone who has poked toothpicks into the sides of an avocado seed and watched it unfurl its first bright green leaf or planted a bean seed in science class will understand. Seed-starting is a great way to have fun with your kids and it can be a simple, inexpensive, and entertaining activity for the whole family!
Kids well know the glowing excitement of watching a bee go about its business flower to flower in the sunshine. And hopefully, most adults out there haven’t forgotten the feeling, either. Being a steward of mason bees is a special opportunity to watch these busy creatures transform your yard-scape into one of balance and bounty.
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