Swansons was thrilled to participate and to donate over 200 plants the restoration project! We were able to do so in part because of our Gift that Grows program.
Landscaping Party at the Rainier Boys & Girls Club
The UW Farm: Bringing People Together Around Food & Farming
The main site of the UW Farm is tucked away behind the Center for Urban Horticulture, an agrarian oasis in the midst of Husky stadium, U Village and the bustling UW campus. If you walk through, you will find rows and rows of carefully planted vegetables, a growing permaculture section and a student-designed shed and composting area.
New Art Garden and Parklet for the Ballard Boys & Girls Club
For the past six weeks, a team here at Swansons Nursery has been working with Curator PR on a community landscaping project for the Ballard Boys & Girls Club. We've been busy re-imagining the existing entry as a welcoming and interactive garden and parklet for club members and their families and this past week we weeded, dug, planted, and watered until we dropped.